How to Become a Bestselling Author


Too many writers give up on their dreams of becoming a bestselling author because they fear they're not good enough or the publishing process gets them down. I'm here to tell you that it is only impossible if you don't try!

However, I'm not going to sugarcoat it either. Whether you choose to traditionally publish or self-publish, publishing is a tough and sometimes grueling process. That said, learning how to become a bestselling author is absolutely possible.

This article is a reminder for all you hopeful authors to remember that your dream is possible and is something worth going after. With this list of tips and advice, I hope to bolster your confidence and help you become the kind of author you want to be.

1. Read, Read, Read

My first tip on how to become a bestselling author is to read what is being published in your genre. Of course, when you are spending all your free time on your own book, I understand how difficult it can be to carve out time to read on top of that. As a book editor who spends all day reading for work, I totally understand the feeling of reading fatigue and the challenge to make time to read anything else. 

But this is truly a critical step if you are committed to becoming a bestselling author. It is very important for you to know what's going on in the current book marketplace, because that is the marketplace you will become a bestseller in.

Reading what is currently being published in your genre ultimately helps you understand your audience and competition. Knowing what other authors are currently putting out there can help you get ideas and strategies for your own releases. For example, it can help you think about strategies for your cover design or some themes for your next book. 

Too often I ask writers what their book’s comparable titles are, and they are only able to name canonical books or huge, bestselling titles. While it’s fine to list those books as influences, or to note that they have similarities to your project, they do not make good comparable titles because they do not reflect the current marketplace.

I recommend trying to find comparable titles that have been recently published, so do some research on Amazon or Goodreads to get a feel for what is currently being published in your genre. Bestseller lists are another great place to find current titles. 

For instance, Goodreads also has the Goodreads’ Choice Awards every year for every genre, so you can look at the past five years. If anything seems interesting, you can read those. If you have a business as an author, then you can also expense those books.

Try to carve out some time in your day to read them, whether that means reading on your commute or listening to an audiobook, because that's only going to make you a better writer.

2. Lean Into What You Do Well

My next tip for how to become a bestselling author is to lean into what you do well. Ask yourself, “What is my greatest strength as an author? What makes me different from others that are writing in the same genre?” Is it that you're able to craft unforgettable characters, or that you're able to come up with shocking twists your readers never see coming?

Whatever you do well as a writer is your writer superpower, and it’s what will set you apart in the market and make readers come back to you time and time again. That is the hallmark of a bestselling writer, so identify and then lean into your personal writing superpower. Leverage it for each book you write, because then it will become a throughline throughout all of your works that your readers will be able to identify as distinctly yours.

Nearly every bestselling author does this. For example, Danielle Steele is known for her captivating characters and moving romance plots. John Grisham is known for bringing his legal expertise to the thriller genre.

Now, it is totally okay if you don't know what your writing superpower is yet. It is something that you can absolutely develop and identify over time. You can also ask your beta readers or loved ones if they can identify what sets your writing apart.

Also keep in mind that when I'm talking about using your writing superpower, I am not saying that you have to be shackled to one genre. While some bestselling authors do tend to stick to a genre or style, in many cases they branch out and do other types of books in totally different genres. The key is to use your writing superpower in those outlier books so that it still reads as a book written by you. 

3. Keep Writing

My third tip for becoming a bestselling writer is to keep writing. A bit obvious, right? It sounds super easy to do. But, any writer knows it’s not.

While there are breakout bestselling authors every year, the vast majority of bestselling authors today had to work up to that status over the course of their career. They put in the time, words, and energy to make their writing successful. It’s not because of an innate talent or luck.

The act of writing itself is where most people who want to become bestsellers fail, because they can’t keep going. They just stop writing. Consistency and perseverance are critical and are the hallmarks of any serious professional writer. Remember, you cannot become a bestselling author if you stop writing altogether.

That said, all this is much easier said than done. What happens, for instance, if you put your time and energy and soul into a book and then it doesn't sell well? Even if you feel like your dreams are crushed, don't think of that book as a waste! While your book may not reach a huge readership when it’s first published, dedicated readers will find your early works as your career takes off.

Try not to be let down by any perceived failings or any disappointments. Just keep writing and remember that as long as you're writing, you are a writer.

4. Put Yourself Out There

My next tip for becoming a bestselling writer is to put yourself out there. If you poke around online for how to become a bestselling author, you're going to find a lot of people talking about author platforms and marketing strategies. While those are vital to becoming a bestselling author, the actual strategies you’ll use depend on your publishing method.

To offer more broad advice, my recommendation is to just put yourself out there as an author. That means not being afraid to publish your book, not being afraid to talk about it openly, not being afraid of reviewers’ feedback, and not being afraid to engage with your readers online or at events.

It is not a requirement for you to have a specific follower count or be on specific social media platforms. But whether you are online or in person, you do need to be present, positioning yourself confidently as an author. It’s a simple but effective way of engaging and building your audience.

5. Trust Your Team

My last tip for becoming a bestselling author is to trust your team. The truth is that making a bestselling book is not a solo act on the writer's part. Far from it; it takes an entire village. This is something I saw firsthand when I was working at Penguin Random House.

If you are publishing traditionally, your team includes the editor at the publishing house, your literary agent, the marketing team at the publishing house, the publicity team, the cover designers, the production editors, and countless other people. If you self-publish, you have your own team made of editors, cover designers, and formatters that you hire.

Bestselling authors, no matter how they publish, are not made in a vacuum. Do not feel that this is a feat you have to or should tackle alone. With that in mind, if a member of your team has an idea for tweaking the cover or description copy, or even an idea for your next book, try to listen to them and have a collaborative attitude. On the flip side, if you have an idea for doing an event that might reach a broader audience, that's something you should bring up and pursue as well.

Remember, you all have the same goal of making each and every one of your books as strong a success as possible. Your success is a rising tide that lifts all boats.

I hope these tips help you feel more optimistic about your dream of becoming a bestselling author and that it helps you learn what it takes to make this dream a reality.

Thanks so much for reading and happy writing!

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